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Postby Steveo » Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:25 pm

Question answered. Thanks.

One other thing that I've been trying to do is a 200 breast stroke set, with each lap starting with an underwater swim for as long as possible. Don't know if it works, but it seems to be good practice in holding your breath while your heart is going pretty fast. If nothing else, it is a confidence builder.
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Postby nm » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:19 pm


Sorry guys..........that last workout I supposed to be yard intervals. (My brother sent me the workout.....and I always do it meters.)

EZ.......I was gonna do your workout.......but to be honest.....I hate figuring my own splits. I'll give it go this week........tell you what I think. Just from the looks of it........I'll probably like it.:wink:
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Postby erzats » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:38 am

a sprint triathlon is meant to be 0.5mi swim, 12mi bike, and 3mi run. All short and reasonable distances. Fit folk finish them in an hour, if I get in there in an hour 20min then I'll be happy. I'm training for the Beaver Freezer held by the OSU tri-club in april. The distances are 500m swim, 11.1mi bike, and 5km run. I'm just curious to see what I can do with a couple of months to train. If I like triathlons, then who knows. I have to admit though, I'm the last guy who I ever thought would do a triathlon, but I've found reading about it eating for it and thinking of ways to train pretty entertaining so far. No, no training partners yet, and no pace setters either.
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Postby nm » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:57 am

erzats wrote:a sprint triathlon is meant to be 0.5mi swim, 12mi bike, and 3mi run. All short and reasonable distances.

Ah....I get it. Yes....I used to do those.....we called 'em mini-triathlons. I always hated the azz hurts just thinking about it......:wink:.

Good luck to you!
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Postby nm » Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:41 pm

Okay EZ.........

Did your workout...........but......due to my lazy azz attitude when it comes to keeping track of my own splits........I modified it slightly.:wink:

Here's what I came up with:

Warm up:
300 swim
200 im
150 kick (fly)

Main set: 20 x 50 - descending in sets of 5 (no rest between sets)
5x50 @ 1:00
5x50 @ :55
5x50 @ :50
5x50 @ :45 (these last 5 are anaerobic)

Stretch set: 2x200 cruise

Sprints: 6x25 @ :30 Headsup free

Warm down: 150 easy

Great workout! Thanks!
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Postby spray » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:01 am

nmm wrote:Main set: 20 x 50 - descending in sets of 5 (no rest between sets)
5x50 @ 1:00
5x50 @ :55
5x50 @ :50
5x50 @ :45 (these last 5 are anaerobic)

Come again? If there is no rest between these 50s, how is the heck are you supposed to check the clock? 5x50 = 250 if there is no rest. Maybe you have a trainer up top keeping track of time for you. Are you in reality taking a SHORT rest? Just curious. :?
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Postby Sparky » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:21 am

spray wrote:
nmm wrote:Main set: 20 x 50 - descending in sets of 5 (no rest between sets)
5x50 @ 1:00
5x50 @ :55
5x50 @ :50
5x50 @ :45 (these last 5 are anaerobic)

Come again? If there is no rest between these 50s, how is the heck are you supposed to check the clock? 5x50 = 250 if there is no rest. Maybe you have a trainer up top keeping track of time for you. Are you in reality taking a SHORT rest? Just curious. :?

If it was anyone other then NMM I would say yeah.. short rest.. but knowing her, I would say NO rest.. she isn't known as the Yellow Bullet for nothing :wink:
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Postby nm » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:21 am

Read the're doing 5 50s at the 1 minute interval. (Each 50 is on the 1 minute.) If you finish the first 50 on have 20sec of rest before you leave again. Get it?

The "no rest" refers to the time between each rest....start the next set of 50s on the corresponding send off interval.

And no........I don't use a trainer. I spent too many years with a coach standing on the deck screaming at me to "go":wink: I do, however use the time clock.....:shock:.

Feel free to adjust those send off times.....anaerobic workouts aren't for everyone.

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Postby Wilbur Kookmeyer » Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:56 am

Ok...for those of you who are not convinced that swimming is the best thing since Jack Lalane.....let's get down to buisness.

This phat @ss is getting back in the gym after being out for many years. As I would imagine...either some of you have found yourself in this postion, are in it, or soon will let me walk you through some gym time...

This program is designed for two things...strength training and endurance. If you want to become Johnny Atlas....this ain't for you.

A few things:

This is a direct replica of what i am doing in the gym. The system was designed by myself and a trainer way back when I was heavy into the gym.

As I said...this is for strength training and endurance. It will combine cardio work and weights. You will gain muscle mass in this program...but the amoutn of that mass will depend on your body's ability to produce muscle mass is.

This plan may not work for you at all. It depends on a lot of factors. At the very will increase your overall health as opposed to riding the sofa.

I am not a trainer. I have no experience in being a trainer. This is a plan by me and for me.

The plan is stepped in increments...1st week, 2nd...etc... Based on your ability...i would plan on being in the gym 4/7 days to start. You may find you don't need as much...but before you increase anything....make sure you can continue at your new level.

This is week one.

Cardio: Now when it comes to Cardio...use whatever equipment you like. My personal favorite is the Step a continual treadmill of steps. Unfortunately my gym does not have this Step i use the Treadmill. Use whatever works for you. The key is....know your target heart rate. For me it is 140. That is the rate i want to sustain for 20 to 25 minutes out of a 35 minute Cardio session. Go for endurance not try to run at a full sprint for 35 wont work.

So cardio....35 breaks. 5 minute warm up...5 minute warm down...25 minutes sustained target heart rate.

A word on weights/systems: i use free weight wherever possible. I like the feel and independant motion. Use whatever equipment you like, Free, Nautalis, Kaiser...whatever. Just remember.....10 good reps...are better than 20 bad ones. Watch your form...and do them correctly. If youy are doing them right...these "light" weight loads...will not seem so light on your second set. Do not allow a rest between reps. Control balance with your abs. And most important...stretch the target muscle group between sets.

Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 12 reps. @ 50 lbs. Do not fully extend your legs, and do not let the weights touch on the drop.

Leg Curls (Hamstrings): 3/12 @ 40 lbs. Go slow....think about it as a rubber should be getting tighter all the way up...and slowly realease. Do not let weights rest during reps.

Shoulder Press: 3/12 @ 60 lbs. Do not extend arms completely. Do not let weights rest during reps.

Row: 3/12 @ 35 lbs. Keep back straight, start pulling with shoulders. Do not hunch foprward on reps.

Butterflys: 3/12 @ 50 lbs. Keep chest up. Pull in weight with forarms...not your hands.

Feeling frisky still? Thow in either:

French curls: 3/12 @ 25 lbs. Keep elbows straight above your chin...not "outside" not extnd fully.....stop on the down when the bar whacks you in the forhead. Go heavier weight if you want to know whay these are called "Skull Crushers".


Tricep Extensions: Standing. 3/12 @ 35. Usual...feet shoulder width apart....knees bent...back straight. No full extensions or "lock-outs" and Do not recoil completely during reps.

Finish off with a good steam.

This is week one. Repeat this program for all four days of your week one.

Time should be about one hour fourty five minute door to door.
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Postby Wilbur Kookmeyer » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:39 am

By the way...before all you Mark and Marsha Spittz' go getting your Speedos in a twist...I'm not hackin' on swimmers....I know for certain a few of you are in awesome shape.....

But remember....your swimming may get you in the lineup...and into waves real well...but once up and riding....all that swimming is almost useless. You need solid trunk strength...balance...and powerful lower body to carve deep and fast..... :wink:
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Postby goofyfooter » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:10 pm

I find that a wide variety of activities keep me in all around good surfing shape. I swim and play soccer which does a good job of keeping everything working fine both top and bottom. Those as my main non-surfing along with bike riding, climbing, and snowboarding (if there were snow) and I can (usually) get out and have the leg strength to pump some turns.

Postby Country Honk » Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:55 am

I'm gonna be round my vegetables
I'm gonna chow down my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vege-table

If you brought a big brown bag of them home
I'd jump up and down and hope you'd toss me a carrot

I'm gonna keep well my vegetables
Cart off and sell my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vege-table

I tried to kick the ball but my tenny flew right off
I'm red as a beet 'cause I'm so embarassed

Mom and Dad said
Sleep a lot eat a lot
Brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot do a lot
Never be lazy

I threw away my candy bar, and I ate the wrapper
And when they told me what I did I burst into laughter

Chomp chomp chomp chomp
Bop bop bop bop do do do do do do

I know that you'll feel better
When you send us in
Your letter an'
Tell us the name of your
Your favorite vege-table

Sleep a lot eat a lot
Brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot do a lot
Never be lazy....
Eat Sleep Surf Jiu-jitsu. Repeat.
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Postby Critter » Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:40 pm

Seek Laughter, its like the cillantro in the salsa of fitness, makes it even tastier :)
Honk you gave me a carrot craving :D
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Postby Steveo » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:53 am

I just wanted to say that I this thread is the most useful on the board. What about balance? What is a good way to improve balance in the gym? Since snowboarding is mostly out this year, I'm trying to find other stuff to maintain/improve balance. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

In response to the post about swimming being only part of the equation, I entirely agree. What I have found though is that for me if I can't paddle well from lack of strength, then I don't have the strength or staying power to surf all day. In other words, to improve my surfing I have to first have the strength. For me paddle stength is step one. Surfing, step two. Nothing bums me out more than seeing a great wave coming and simply not having it in me to catch it.
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Postby Trula » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:49 pm

Get (or make) yourself an Indo Board. Also skateboarding.
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