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Maxin May

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Re: Maxin May

Postby Major Lazer » Tue May 15, 2018 7:52 am

Pra how many days you been getting a week? Anything good?
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Spent » Tue May 15, 2018 8:33 am

Rolled the dice Sunday to little avail. Long walk for a nice view. Handful of hopeful dudes waiting for the tide to do something magic... maybe it did but I left. Close outs one side, mush burgers the other. Plan B was thumpy closeouts after I barely found a place to park. Took out the mini gun, step up whatever the-f@#K-you call them, bc turning didn't even look remotely possible anyway. I paddled through the crowd and then a ways south and had some fun drops into oblivion, then did the laps as I was too lazy for the paddle. A few actually opened up for more than just a stinky bottom turn and then one unloaded on my lower back on a badly timed duck dive and I was pretty much done. Fish tacos away from the marine layer and crowds and then home. Even so, felt satisfied. Now, I'd like some open face to relearn how to connect turns again...
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Re: Maxin May

Postby smithgrind » Tue May 15, 2018 10:15 am

Major Lazer wrote:Sounds like it was fun in a typical 6'-8' SS wonky kinda of way as I had another mate there, but that place has not been motivating me at all lately.

Yeah, we saw Dan get a good left between 2nd and 3rd.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Major Lazer » Wed May 16, 2018 5:41 pm

Nice... fooking goofy footers.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Tex » Sat May 19, 2018 3:54 pm

2 sessions in 1 month....yes that happened.

My 12 yr old was jonesing, we hit dawn patrol and were in the water by 6:30 this morning. There were some nuggets to be had at second creek and third creek as the tide was going waaaaaay out.

The big milestone was that Elijah was finally able to break out beyond the last sandbar and sit outside with his old man. That is a moment I will never forget. He didnt catch anything down the line but was able to navigate between the sandbars and catch some whitewater in.

He said, I never knew the ocean could be so peaceful.

As some of the bigger waves were coming at us, I said, lets go say howdy to those waves out there, just to get him to paddle a bit faster to get over them.

He is already asking about next weekend....I dont think it gets much better than that boys.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Major Lazer » Mon May 21, 2018 9:30 am

That's rad Tex. My daughter is just getting to the outside on small days, although its been a while since she got out.

Been a bit of a drought for me, but lacrosse season has ended, 2 spring birthdays have passed, gardens been planted, and now it looks like I may have some time to get some surf in. Cleaned a fall/winter season's worth of wax off my two boards this weekend and hoping to flex this week and take advantage of the west on the charts.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Howly Wolf » Mon May 21, 2018 10:48 am

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Re: Maxin May

Postby X-squid » Mon May 21, 2018 11:08 am

Howly Wolf wrote:A session to never forget, Tex -- for you or your son. Saw that the dude, Ben Gravy, gave your post a little love on the insta, so it must've been an all time day for you! Hope x-squid made it out too and ended his dry spell!

Indeed I did! Hit PC dawn patrol with a former OSP lurker. Fun sesh for the first 1.5 hours until the swell disorganized and wind picked up. Outgoing tide seemed to be pushing up some fast little a-frames a little bit south of the brewery.

Had beers with some randos that were three sheets at 11:00, playing cornhole in front of those nicer houses on the right side on the way out - good times.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby BOX » Mon May 21, 2018 11:26 am

Nice, Tex! Glad you're getting out in the water and getting some quality family time :D

I hit up Agate on Sunday. Was there late morning/early afternoon approaching low tide. There were tons of heads in the water. There was a decent sized group hanging with the advanced set getting some really nice long rights off a good beach break. I would have been over my head both literally and figuratively, so I hung back in the whitewater to work on my pop-up. I've been watching some videos, and was looking forward to trying out an adjustment in my *ahem* technique. I definitely noticed an improvement, now it's just a matter of working on that muscle memory until I can get it down. Have to unlearn what I've already learned kind of thing.

There was a super strong undercurrent out there. However, instead of pulling you out and north into the rocks like I normally experience, this one was pushing HARD towards the shore and south. Just trying to get out to the waves was quite an exercise. Paddling got me nowhere and walking out was like I was doing some kind of crazy resistance training. My legs are nice and sore today from that. So, as a result, my wave count was really down. But I did catch a few good ones, so stoke level didn't dip too hard. There are no bad days on the water.

Getting outside was so difficult I saw some guy towing a kid, maybe 12 years old, beyond the big break since he couldn't do it himself. Just as I was questioning the safety in that, I saw that same kid hard charging a nice right in a wave several feet over his head and getting a pretty sweet, long ride out of it. Maybe next time Dad can give me a tow... :wink:

Ossie's was conducting a big group lesson in the whitewash while I was there which made it a bit of a slalom course at times. Wasn't too bad, but had to bail now and then to keep from hitting someone down the line. Definitely a change from even a month or two ago when there was maybe 5 of us in the water, tops. Get ready for summer at Agate, I guess. At one point one of the Ossie's instructors gave me a tip. I didn't know whether to be thankful for the free advice or to be embarrassed that he took one look at me and said, "yep, this guy needs all the help he can get"...

Overall, a good day in the water. Hope you all were able to get wet, too.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Tex » Mon May 21, 2018 12:03 pm

Good times all!

Yeah I was stoked to see Ben Gravy jump in on the insta post, he seems like a chill dude.

Also, I encourage the new folks to check out some of the other topic areas, even off topic has some nuggets.

The old dogs may have missed that Betty actually posted for the first time in like 100 years.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Major Lazer » Fri May 25, 2018 9:09 am

I had scheduled yesterday off as a precautionary measure and mental health day in lieu of an all to familiar outcome for my childhood hockey team and a game 7 winner takes all match up in the Stanley Cup Eastern Conference Finals. When your a Caps fan you have to be ready for your team to shite the bed at any moment even if their the best god damn team in the NHL on paper.

But my team came through in defiance :P , so yesterday turned into a celebratory day and ended up catching the end of Spent's birthday swell. A little wonky when I first got my eyes on it, but once a little water drained paddled out into glassy thumpy peaks that were consistent for about an hour.

Shared fun rights with 4 or less other heads. Solid drops, some OH into slow-fast walls. Potential for a shack off the drop but couldn't find it. Opted for a larger front fin quad set up because of the wonkyness I saw initially thinking some extra drive would be beneficial. Didn't get a ton of turns or hacks, but some good ones I was able to link though the inside section and seamlessly dismount over the back straight into prone paddle position and back out there with out doing the walk around. Surfed better than I thought after probably 3 weeks dry. Stoked.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby smithgrind » Fri May 25, 2018 12:25 pm

Ef me, I considered calling one in yesterday but opted to be responsible instead. Early pre work Sunday sesh on tap.

Happy to see the Caps make it to Lord Stanley’s party. I recall my high school days at the Cap Centre seeing
them in ‘80 and ‘81. My dad would buy us nose bleeds and then slide all the way down to the glass with no hass.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Spent » Fri May 25, 2018 2:16 pm

Yeah bunked off work Tuesday arvo for a high tide grovel fest. Really fun after I made the adjustment from 7'2" to 5'8". Love my stubby little beast... Had a peak to myself until near dark. And then camped out at Nehalem.

Weds morn swell picked up and was packing more punch. Quicker dumpier waves but if you found the shoulder you were stoked. First time surfing my 'performance shortboard' in about one year. Stoke level adequate+. Rounded off my day with a little Bay City Rolling and then back to reality.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby Major Lazer » Tue May 29, 2018 12:21 pm

Had some buddies camped out in the Newport zone, but defaulted to stay with a bunch of laddies and young girls in Manzo sans one little dude. Majority vote.... so was just me and my 7 yo old hommie representing the boys. All good didn't want to go to far and get jacked in traffic anyways. Holy fuk that town was swarming with humans. I might as well been on Alberta which was most likely quieter, but things were nice and chill at friends beach house and was able to avoid the masses.

Checked a bunch of spots, but ended up at the Sands for 3 seshies from LB to fish to SB..... 95% close outs even when it was 3'. Longboarding is hard AF otherwise I didn't get one good turn in on fish and SB sessions. I have had much better luck elsewhere. Got the kids in the water multiple times though and weather was as good as its gets minus NW winds on Sun and Mon. Bonus was surprisingly zero traffic coming home yest. And I mean like zero. So weird.
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Re: Maxin May

Postby BOX » Tue May 29, 2018 1:44 pm

I hit up Agate on Sunday late morning. There were tons of cars parked but when I got down to the beach there was hardly anyone in the water. Everyone else was far back in the sand with their boards. I wondered if there was a shark in the water or something, but nobody stopped me from going in. Found out later that Ossie's was holding a surf contest that day and people were probably just waiting around for their heat. I'm fairly certain no one confused me for a participant, that's for sure.

Despite that bit of kooky obliviousness, I had a fantastic day in the water - one of my best yet. I spent the majority of my time continuing to work on my pop-up after making a few adjustments last session. While I still have a long ways to go to perfecting it, I noticed a huge improvement. Just to clarify, I *can* pop-up, stand, and ride a wave consistently on my LB. It's that it's slow and ugly, so until I can get my technique down where I'm doing it quickly, correctly, in balance, and in my sleep, I'm having trouble progressing on to the bigger waves. I either miss them or pearl. But the good news is that while I still need to speed it up more, I was able to get up much more quickly and (most notably for this time out) in a much better position to ride the wave without having to make many foot adjustments after the fact. My wave count was way up and I caught a ton of good rides. Ended on a great long run, figured it wasn't going to get better than that, and after almost 3 hours in the water called it a day. There are no bad days in the water, but for me this was definitely one of the better ones. Stoke level definitely high. Hope you all got some good time in the water as well.
Last edited by BOX on Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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