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To Surf or not to Surf

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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Major Lazer » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:36 pm

Good to hear dispatch Box. I could use a haircut too. Think I'm gonna bust out my clips. #3 to #1 bathroom fade. As soon as it gets hot again.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:26 pm

BOX wrote:Now that the governor has closed all of the state beaches and trails, folks are downright pissed.

When "The Friendliest" is pissed at you, you know you're in trouble. If we make it through this, Box, I might need you to vouch for me on the Central Coast, so I can surf there vibe-free.

From what I hear, the south coast was packed too. Awhile back, I talked story with a guy who worked as an EMT in Curry County who told me some horror stories. Apparently there's quite a few unqualified people working in the medical field down there. Most harrowing detail was a life flight helicopter crash that occurred due to avoidable mishaps. Scary stuff in the best of times.

While locs have every right to be upset at the masses, I think there's plenty of blame to share with your local government and business community as well. It's beyond me how none of these brain geniuses saw what was coming. At best, it seems they wanted it both ways-- make that spring break $$$ with not so many visitors. Reality doesn't work like that.

Anyway, here's hoping that a season or two without cals, vals, and couvies can help make some amends with the coastal community. I'd love to surf (or even sponge) the cruddiest, most blown out beach break right now but not happening. Willamette River is in walking distance and e.coli levels remain low... might paddle around at some point in hopes of boat wake, but not quite there yet.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby X-squid » Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:27 am

I opted to not be part of the problem - although we have a place in LC and could legit hunker down with no outside contact, I caught the buzz on Twitter and elsewhere early Saturday about the mass influx of people at the coast and decided a staycation was probably the wise idea. Ended up building a sweet quarterpipe in my garage over the weekend (skateparks closed too...)
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby BOX » Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:57 am

I think there's plenty of blame to share with your local government and business community as well

Absolutely agree. I don't like to get political on these types of forums, but the response has been a complete failure from the top down. I'll spare you all my opinions on the Feds but both statewide and on the coast it was a bit of "too little too late", IMO. They waited until after spring break already began to really get serious while businesses literally advertised to people to come and social distance themselves at the beach. What did they think will happen? I know it sucks to cancel plans. Our family had to cancel plans, too. I don't like the stay at home order, either. I'm an active guy. But we're all in this together, folks, and if having to stay home for a few months is the biggest sacrifice this generation has to make in order to see us through, then maybe we should consider ourselves lucky. /whew *steps off soapbox (or soap BOX? :lol: )

Box, I might need you to vouch for me on the Central Coast, so I can surf there vibe-free

You've seen me surf. My endorsement might actually be more detrimental to your cause :lol:
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Major Lazer » Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:13 pm

Cove lot looks full. Counted 8 or so heads surfing. Wonder how far folks are traveling?

This is pretty funny.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:40 pm

Been enjoying the Ghosthampton cam lately... very zen.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:51 pm

BTW X-Squid, it's pretty admirable that you made that call. Not proud to admit this, but if I had a place on the coast, I probably would've gone... But you made the right decision, even with the stress you and your family are dealing with. That's real aloha, man, and you should legitimately take pride in that.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Tex » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:31 am

This time of year I am usually up in SoJdF with my sons on Spring break. We had our plan all locked in. Then lock down happened, and my buddy has his wife and daughters all hunkered down at the beach cabin(s). My boys are taking it in stride but its tough to see the five year streak end. We will probably head up early summer now, fingers crossed.

My friend that lives in Corvallis headed out to South Beach on Sat AM. He said soft top long boarders were congregating pretty tight on a couple of the main peaks. He said one of the rookies actually dropped in right on top of much for in the water social distancing. He packed it in after that incident and headed home.

We lightly debated his decision to head out...his rationale was that he packed his lunch, didnt need any gas and figured wide open beach break would ensure a safe distance from other people. His parents (both in 70's) live in Manzanita and they told him that the town was SWAMPED.

I am off the mind to keep it on lock down, I cant afford to get sick as we are a one income family. Thank God I finally grew up and got life insurance this week.

Stay safe everyone....I am thankful for this crew, really enjoy talkin story with you.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Major Lazer » Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:22 am

You guys see this dashboard?

Mult and Wash coming in at a B, but many coastal counties at C or even F down in Curry. If peps are leaving their immediate areas and driving to surf, what's the difference between 15 minutes and an hour? :idea: Been basically quarantined for a week now, next week will be 2. I've never totally trusted the government nor have I always followed the rules.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby X-squid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:09 pm

Howly Wolf wrote:BTW X-Squid, it's pretty admirable that you made that call. Not proud to admit this, but if I had a place on the coast, I probably would've gone... But you made the right decision, even with the stress you and your family are dealing with. That's real aloha, man, and you should legitimately take pride in that.

Appreciate it... trust me though it wasn't an easy decision but the right one.

Funny in that being locked down in the house is starting to remind me a bit of being deployed when I was in the Navy. View from the ship rarely changes - weather and sea conditions and the occasional ship were really the only changes in scenery. Same routines, day in day out. Same people. Find myself daydreaming about this first thing I'm going to do when I get to the next port... my wife probably wouldn't appreciate me going to a house of ill repute though so I may need to rethink that :P

Quarter pipe I built in the garage is getting a serious workout. My kids are both a few more days of practice away from a successful kick flip and and shove-it 180. I imagine all these folks emerging from their houses in a month with all sorts of new found skills. Ninjas and mimes and whatnot running amok. And maybe a lot of bad haircuts.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:26 pm

Major Lazer wrote:If peps are leaving their immediate areas and driving to surf, what's the difference between 15 minutes and an hour?

Pretty sure dishhand dan is considered an “essential employee” but in general it’s much easier to tell valley goons to stay home than take that same advice.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby buoyhead » Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 pm

The past three days at the Cove :
Crowd about 6-10. Today 10-15. I was tempted just because I desperately wanted the exercise. But I rarely surf there and of course the main reason I surf is for fun, and under the current circumstances I don’t think I could have much fun surfing. Not to mention the waves were 2-3 foot side-shore wind swell slop more suited to soft top riding octogenarians. On the other hand, if my favorite spot was as good as it gets, I probably wouldn’t be able to resist a go-out. What I find odd in Seaside is that they closed the entire beach from Ave. U to the river to the public while keeping the Prom open, thereby causing many more people to congregate on the Prom. And creating a cluster f@#K in the Cove parking lot.
I might add there are now barricades on all beach access’s from Seaside north to the jetty. They’re just those orange cones so I suspect they will be heeded about the same as the don’t drive in the dunes, beach driving speed limit etc. rules.
Golf courses are still open here too, which I find a bit odd.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:27 pm

Checked out my new "surf spot" under the St. John's Bridge. Only small motor boats-- no barges or tugboats passing by while I was there. Got a read on both low and high tide currents, as well as all the broken glass & trash needles along the shoreline. Paddling out here might actually be more risky than just going surfing, so am continuing to hold off. Saw a sea lion hunting at high tide, which was a surprise. I yelled, "Stay Home, Coastie" but he continued to lurk. Never seen one in the Willamette before and felt bad for him. Hopefully he finds his way up the Columbia or back to Astoria or wherehaveyou.
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Major Lazer » Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:25 am

Been watching people surf daily on PC cam. This morning watched 2 peps practically holding hands as they waded out. Now there 15+ heads and its total mush burgers :roll:
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Re: To Surf or not to Surf

Postby Howly Wolf » Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:58 pm

Noticed the same thing. What bothers me is that, just days ago, approximately 100% of those guys were clutching their pearls about the spring break debacle. Seems they expect the valley to give af about their vulnerable population and limited resources when clearly they do not care themselves.

IMG_0110.jpg (57.23 KiB) Viewed 16662 times

Couldn't help but screen grab this scene a few days ago-- 2@12 high tide, no one out except for five guys scrambling for ankle biters on the same peak. Hope it was worth it.
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