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Is it acceptable to post directions and pictures on wannasurf?

Total votes : 18

Postby Sparky » Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:47 am

The Betty wrote:sparks pissed cause of the drive through line at tacosnatch

:lol: I keep seeing you in the line in front of me :wink:
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Postby Dano » Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:49 am

Doc wrote:Per Dano:
Go surf the shorties and swamis of the world with all the rest of the lazy, uninspired kooks

I have surfed both...


Me too Doc.. too many times. I am lazy too. My point is that places like this are out there, easy to find, crowded all to hell and to a degree "ruined". There are way too many people who wont dig any deeper unless it is easy. Why make it easy and ruin other spots too with sites like wanna surf?
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Postby Doc » Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:53 am

I can't wait to surf Swamis again...I'm waiting until everyone is tired of it it's uncrowded as when I surfed it in '79...about a dozen guys out, overhead, offshore and reeling...damn those lazy, uninspired kooks messing it up for everyone!

Surfed SS last time by myself...although there was a good sucked!

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Postby Dano » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:00 am

Doc wrote:I can't wait to surf Swamis again...I'm waiting until everyone is tired of it it's uncrowded as when I surfed it in '79...about a dozen guys out, overhead, offshore and reeling...

Not anymore man...sadly. I never got it like that.
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Postby Sparky » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:05 am

Dano wrote:The difference Sparky is that the yellow pages and resturants are advertising places of business looking to bring in customers and make a profit. Maybe you want the same from our surf spots so you can pay to ride your 9'6 after waiting in the bar for 30 minutes?

I do not drink and I do not ride a 9'6".. but hey, let the 9'6" ledgend live on :wink:

Dano wrote:EDIT: Of course I have been to wanna surf. How can you avoid it. The first time was because a friend told me about a few spots I used to surf regularly that were detailed on there and I I looked in disbelief. Every time I do so it angers me. Sorry, but I don't like it. To each his own I guess.

OK so I just got off just to see what the big deal was.. Nothing new there from what I could see.. all the spots listed for north Oregon are old news..Oh wait.. your right.. they mentioned the Point.. dam them.. no one knew about that place before.. dam them.. dam them all to hell :shock:

Dano wrote:When you travel I bet you like those Let's Go and Lonely Planet books yeah?

Funny you should know about those books :lol:

Dano wrote:PS - no need to go post directions to all your favorite spots out of spite. I am sure they are all listed there already.

Sure I surf the spots listed on Wannasurf.. with the exception of the Point and Nescofts reef. But there are spots I go to that are not listed there.
Would not post them even out of spite, but I will not be all bitter if someone else does.
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Postby Dano » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:22 am

surfinSparky wrote:Nothing new there from what I could see.. all the spots listed for north Oregon are old news..Oh wait.. your right.. they mentioned the Point.. dam them.. no one knew about that place before.. dam them.. dam them all to hell :shock:

I'm not talking about Oregon spots Sparky.

Also, of course I know about guide books. I see them in American's hands everywhere I go. When I lived in Europe we called them American ID Cards.

Don't even get me started on Maui guide books written by sell out transplants who are selling secrets that were trusted to them by locals so that they can make a profit and live their island dreams at the expense of the people who's families have been visiting said spots for generations.
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Postby tippy toes » Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:53 pm

i stand by my position: even the "secret" spots, once sold out, will most often never be truly crowded because of their difficult access. most of these truly "secret" places a person would be happy just to have someone to paddle out with. plus, people are herd animals, and will always go to the swamis and shortsands of the world because there are other people there. few surfers actually want to surf entirely alone at an unfamiliar break. i know there are those of us who do it on occasion (sooloo), but i don't think it is the norm.
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Postby redliner » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:17 pm

Not anymore....dude's gone soft. He won't even surf(parking lot) PC without a friend nowadays. 8)
It always gets good after everyone leaves.
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Postby Trula » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:10 pm

Last time I surfed (been a couple weeks with finals and all) I was out ny myself and it was spooky. Noone anywhere. The three guys that came out to surf were welcome and then there was the shark.

You want solitude try overcast weekdays. The sun and weekends bring out the crowds. Some of the bext waves are when noone is around to surf them.
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Postby wawaverider » Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:37 pm

Here's the problem I grew up in Port Angeles surfing the straits and you have A@#clowns from all over that don't respect many of the places that are private property. Many of the landowners (for example the gentleman that owns one of the most beautiful beaches around) is contemplating shutting it down completly because people litter, park like idiots you name it. All because they can go find places without learning the lay of the land and the people.
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Postby The Betty » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:18 am

I get so friggen tired of hearing or reading about the "littering" problems on private property surf spots in the straits. Have you SEEN the reservations? Most of these private property locations are rez land. If you find a place to drop a gum rapper between every washing machine, television, couch, dog carcass, and pinto that the injuns have ever owned then by all means add to the art. Indians don't care about litter. They don't care how you park, where you park, what you do in your parked car. They just want 5mph so you don't run over the security hound and bring presents. Beer, dank, tobacco, something with substance. Maybe a bucket of fluorescent green paint for their house. Foshitsake.
The Betty

Postby thurgood jenkins » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:30 am

Well said Betty. :lol:
So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

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Postby wawaverider » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:03 pm

Hey Betty, I disagree I've met some first nation people that do care about littering they are just an infintesimely small percentage. Onto the subject matter at hand you're argument doesn't hold because several owners of property at some nice breaks do care about parking and litter, aside from the people that show up and just start tromping around acting like a-holes AND IT ISN'T ON THE RESERVATION. Wanna surf and other sites are cool tools to maximize your fun when surfing new locations, but it still doesn't beat a good road trip trecking things out on your own.
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Postby thurgood jenkins » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:19 pm

Being that Betty was being sarcastic and has native roots, she was able to get away with that. Betty nicely done. Say what some think but would never say.
So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

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Postby The Betty » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:55 pm

Do you know why indians pile garbage all over the damn coast? Cause before you honkeys moved us over all the garbage we had were clam shells and cedar branches. So we would just pile our "garbage" out the front of the house.

I have an auntie in LP who is a pretty high up there public official and she has the nastiest yard and house on the coast. And she is the county friggen judge!

Im aware that there are plenty of indians that care about litter. Its just that none of them live on the rez. Its the yuppy Sherman Alexi fags in wranglers and cowboy costumes driving lincoln navigators that say native pride but dont eat frybread cause its fattening....they care about trash. It embarrasses them. First indian on the moon?

The regular crowds of the good strait break and LP are very respectful of the beach and the parking areas. So then why is the lot at LP so filthy? Because the indians sit there all friggen day and smoke and drink and eat and litter.

Why is the best break in the entire strait at the bottom of a dump? I guess I cant blame that on the makahs....or can I?

Im hoping that the dirty rez info will deter several of you wackoffs.

So here is what I dont get....

If you are so pissed about wannasurf posting pics and driving direction to your favorite break, why post a thread refering the 20 odd something at any given time of day LURKERS to said website? Chode schlobber.
The Betty


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