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Should welfare recipients have to piss to get/keep benefits?

No way! What kind of Nazi tactic is that?
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Postby erzats » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:33 pm

I think there are a fair number of people on welfare who would love to have a job if there were any. If it were truly economically profitable to be on welfare, then no-one would work. The welfare rate, then, is probably adjusted just so that it's not comfortable but is of help. It keeps you just tight enough of wallet to want to be the hell off of it.

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Postby Ceedog » Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:23 am

This is a perfect example of how well meaning people help the govn become even more intrusive and powerful. I agree with the premise set forth by Wilb, however I cringe at the fact of allowing the govn more power over people's lives, even when our tax dollars are concerned.
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Postby XBlueSilverX » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:33 am

when i was a couple years younger I'd ONLY date welfare mothers becuase of the reliable cash flow. Every 1st of the month I'd stop by all thier houses and sleep with them for 50 bucks each. ahhh the good days.
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Postby rveesurfdawg » Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:52 pm

Wilbur Kookmeyer wrote:Well fukin-a....I just had a brainstorm.

Where's teh section 8 housing in PC?

Right below Sooloo and ms. Sooloo's place.

XBlueSilverX wrote:when i was a couple years younger I'd ONLY date welfare mothers becuase of the reliable cash flow. Every 1st of the month I'd stop by all thier houses and sleep with them for 50 bucks each. ahhh the good days.

Fukin Aye that is some funny sh!t.

I once woke up in a singlewide trailer (with hitch) to two kids fighting over the nintendo controler that was jammed with peanut butter giz.
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Postby Quagmeyer » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:51 pm

I'm totally against mandatory drug testing for jobs or welfare. I find it ironic that the testing involves more often than not singles out marijuana users as many other drugs like Cocaine, heroin, meth, lsd, ecstacy etc. are harder to test for, and do not stay in the blood stream for as long yet can have an even more detrimental affect on a person's on the job performance due to the pyschological and addiction problems they can cause...

I can smoke a joint tonight after work and by the time I show up for work the next morning, any affects have long since passed. Yet the THC will remain in my bloodstream for weeks. Yet I could go get railed up out of my mind on coke and all traces would be gone within a couple of days. I don't see how this makes the work place safer...

In my opinion as long as you're not endangering anyone else, you're getting your work done and you're not being a drain on your employer I couldn't give a damn what drugs you choose to do as ,long as you use them in your free time...

The thing is a meth, heroin, or cocaine addict is going to have a nearly impossible time keeping a full time job as staying sober for 8 hours a day and getting up at 7 a.m. after doing drugs till 5 in the morn isn't going to be something they can keep up with regularly. And even if they make it in on time chances are they're still strung out from the night before...

I think it's an invasion of privacy and it rarely happens in Canada, the only jobs I've heard of that have testing are fisheries officers (cuz they carry guns) police officers (ditto on the guns and they have to uphold the law) and commercial pilots (which makes sense due to the resposibility they have in safe guarding peoples lives.)

For the average officer worker, carpenter, cab driver or what ever, if yoiu wanna get pissed drunk, do a rail, smoke a joint or whatever I don't give a sh*t as long as you're not doing it while you're at work and you're not endangering anyone else...
I don't think it's the governments business what people do at home in their personal lives...
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Postby redalert » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:52 pm

Dont worry wilbyr as long as my urine isnt tested I'l kick down a pack now and then, since my oregon trail "government check will be coming down the pike regular like rain"
I'll be able to afford it. I dont smoke.
Sometimes I bumm a cig just for the hell of it.

Reminds me of an older local surfer, years back would hit me up for dry firewood in the winter to heat the house over the point so his chick wouldnt leave him.
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Postby gills » Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:26 pm

Ceedog wrote:This is a perfect example of how well meaning people help the govn become even more intrusive and powerful. I agree with the premise set forth by Wilb, however I cringe at the fact of allowing the govn more power over people's lives, even when our tax dollars are concerned.

I always find this idea strange---

The government is the only thing protecting us from pure dictatorship in an economic context. It's also why streets are relatively safe to wallk down. It's also why we have crash test ratings on our cars, it's why traffic lights work, it's why we have public transportation, it's why we have order, it's why we have power, it's why we have roads, it's why we have infrastructure, it's why don't get invaded---- I mean seriously, people who think government is a 'bad thing' and give me the efficiency argument from the DMV perspective is just silly. You take everything you know as reality for granted. Government can work. And it does. If it didn't, we wouldn't be a first world country.

Let me ask you this: What power over your life does the government have? I can't think of a single one other than it doesn't allow me to break laws that I for the most part, believe in.

Postby Quagmeyer » Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:35 pm

Good point Gills, But isn't forcing you to adhere to something you do not agree with or believe in enough? Okay maybe I'm playing devil's advocate...

I just think certain things should be private... If you're gay and like to suck pole in your spare time, I don't give a F*ck! And if you and your gay mate want to get married, fine with me as well. And if some scientist wants to use discarded fetus' that would end up in a dumpster to find a cure for Parkinsons' all power to him... And if you want to smoke a joint after work as opposed to have a drink which is something millions of Americans do unimpeded by the law... I think you should be able to do so without jeporadizing your employment.

THis is not to say I condone people coming into work ripped... It's just I don't think your work place should govern your private life.. The two should be kept separate, much like Church and State... People sacrifice 40 - 50 hours of their life every week to often do things they don't enjoy and sometimes don't believe in, should they really have to sacrifice the other 120 hours of their week as well? Especially for a minimum wage job?
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Postby Wilbur Kookmeyer » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:20 pm

Quagmeyer wrote:I'm totally against mandatory drug testing for jobs or welfare........ I could go get railed up out of my mind on coke and all traces would be gone within a couple of days. I don't see how this makes the work place safer...

I think it's an invasion of privacy and it rarely happens in Canada, the only jobs I've heard of that have testing are ......commercial pilots (which makes sense due to the resposibility they have in safe guarding peoples lives.)


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Postby Wilbur Kookmeyer » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:38 pm

Drug testing is not designed to screen out the recreational user, it is designed to screen out the more hard core abuser.

When my job hands you the paper to go get a drug test, you have a limited amount of time to arrive at the medical facility.

I have to say that the vast majority of people that I have heard complain about testing, or oppose it, are users of some narcotic or another.

I remember a friend of my dumb@ss exwife was bitching about how her friend had to carry a condom full of one of her children's piss under her arm to go take a urine test for one reason or the other.

Here Bobby..piss in the baloon for mommy so she does not get fired.... :roll:

My solution? Don't do drugs.

I don't care about pissing because I don't do drugs. It's not an invasion of privacy. It's a choice. you don't want to piss to go to work? Go work for a company that does not test.

you don't want to piss to get on welfare? Don't get on welfare.

the minute you become a ward of the should surrender your right to bitch about how you are cared for.

I work my @ss off so fat @ss lazy people can get their fat kids some Fritos and Big Gulps at 7-11. So drug addicts that can't handle life can get food and trade it for more drugs. So people can take advantage of a system that was only designed to be a temporary help and not a lifestyle. So that fat @ss chicks can load up their carts on the first and fifteenth at Winco full of all the stuff that most non-welfare single parents can't afford to buy. So that scumbags can only pay $15 a month for rent of an apartment while driving a $30K car.
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Postby 47 Degrees » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:54 pm

how about instead of a piss test, they have to wear a yellow star on thier clothing to pick up thier checks
47 Degrees

Postby The Blonde » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:02 pm

Wilbur Kookmeyer wrote:Drug testing is not designed to screen out the recreational user, it is designed to screen out the more hard core abuser.

Thats not true. Urine analasys detects THC by detecting THC, not by the strength of the amount in urine.

Hair follicle testing is becoming more and more prominant they can detect if you have 'recreationally' smoked weed once in the last year or something.

I know more white collar stoners then blue, by the way.
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Postby Down The Line » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:21 pm

I suggest we end welfare benits for able bodied people. This would also take care immigation problem too. Instread of sitting around getting paid for doing nothing, they could do the jobs the illegals are now doing. Such as farm labor, landscaping,fast food. It just makes sense. No free ride.
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Postby Down The Line » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:25 pm

Quagmeyer, take off to the great white north hoser.
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Postby Stiffler » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:47 pm

im gonna derail the thread by complaining about something real.

guess who just had to pass up a trip on the Illinois River next week for work? A class IV+/ V rivertrip with constant class III rapids, free food, avon boats, hot chicks, photo shoot for a river equipment catalog, and a bunch of other perks?

yeah, it's me.



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