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What's So Bad About LNG?

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What's So Bad About LNG?

Postby Dr Sloth » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:17 am

Instead of new threads, I will be adding more posts to this one and most likely updating it often as LNG deadlines approach.

Please be informed and voice your opinion.

June 17, 2007
Contact: Laurie Caplan, 338-6508,

Business Leaders Worry About Economic Impact of LNG

"LNG and Our Economy" is the focus of a radio program on Sunday, June 24. Local business leaders and employers will discuss the potential economic impact of the proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals at Warrenton and Bradwood. The program airs at 7 p.m. on KMUN, 91.9FM and 91.1FM and on KTCB, 89.5 in Tillamook. It will also stream online at

"There are many unanswered questions about the costs of LNG to taxpayers and the county, and we believe LNG is not good for our growing economy," said Don West, one of the panelists and General Manager of Astoria¹s Cannery Pier Hotel. Panelists will talk about such concerns as possible costs to taxpayers, job loss and gain, disruption of fishing, tourism, shipping; seizure of private property for LNG pipelines, impact on recreation, etc.

Other featured speakers are Ryan Davis, Laura Snyder, and Robert Stang. All are members of the Columbia River Business Alliance, which supports sustainable economic development for the region. The Clatsop County Planning Commission holds a hearing on Tuesday, July 10 to consider several zoning changes requested by NorthernStar for its proposed LNG terminal at Bradwood.
Big Promises + Secrecy x Fast Track = Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
We don't need no stinkin LNG

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Postby Dr Sloth » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:27 am

What's So Bad About LNG?
First in a four-part series

What is LNG?

LNG is natural gas that is extracted from gas fields overseas, supercooled until it is liquefied, and then shipped to terminals in tankers that are 900 feet to 1200 feet long, roughly the size of aircraft carriers. The NorthernStar proposal is for an LNG terminal to be built on 55 acres of a 420-acre site at Bradwood, 20 miles upriver from Astoria. After the LNG is regasified, most of it will go to California via 36"- diameter high-pressure pipelines crossing Oregon.

The proposed Bradwood LNG terminal is expected to receive 3 LNG tankers each week. Offloading a 30-million gallon LNG tanker takes about 24 hours, which means that LNG tankers would either be coming into the Columbia River, offloading LNG, or leaving the Columbia River almost continuously.

"LNG is misleadingly described as a Œclean fuel.¹ LNG, like oil or coal, is a finite fossil fuel. Burning it emits carbon dioxide and harmful air pollutants, aggravating global warming and causing human health problems." ­ Environmental Defense Center,

Each LNG tank at Bradwood would be 262 feet in diameter, and 168 feet in height, according to
the Bradwood Biological Assessment on pages 2-8 and 2-9. Three tanks are planned for in the County application, each with a storage capacity of 160,000 cubic meters. The FERC application and the Biological Assessment only ask for two tanks, although the schematics show a footprint for a third tank. (At 10 feet per story of a typical building, the tank will be about 17 stories high. A typical city block is about 250 feet long.)

Coastal areas of lower population in particular are being targeted (for LNG plants), partly because Congress has clearly stated a preference that these facilities be sited "remotely."

"LNG exporting nations are many of the same that export oil. Russia, Qatar, and Iran hold almost 60% of global gas reserves." -- California Coastal Protection Network

"Š the prevalent view is that known and likely reserves of readily accessible oil and natural gas will last for a few more decades." -- Jared Diamond, Professor of Geology, U. of Califrnia and prize-winning scientific author, COLLAPSE, 2005

"I think it is no accident that the industry has chosen places like Fall River, which tend to be lower-income, working class communities where they don¹t expect educated local opposition." -- Mayor Ed Lambert, Fall River, Massachusetts, proposed site of an LNG facility

For more information, check these resources:
Area libraries and Knappa High School have the Northern Star application for Bradwood and other documents.

The Sandia National Laboratories Report
"Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large LNG Spill Over Water," & "The Risk and Dangers of LNG" (Purchase the DVD from ... g_1204.pdf view as HTML

Web Sites
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The 6-page overview of the U.S. Coast Guard Waterway Suitability Report (WRS); links to LNG and the Bradwood Landing project.

track the LNG projects in Oregon at
U.S. natural gas markets: ... pter3.html

LNG facilities: federal safety standards

The Richard Clarke report on risk of terrorist attacks on LNG tankers and facilities

The Coos Bay, Oregon LNG proposal
Click on Energy Facility Siting, Facilities Under Review, Jordon Cove Energy Project

LNG issues from an industry standpoint click on Natural Gas Week

An LNG conference in Maine

Information from the Vallejo,CA LNG proposal which was defeated

Other Useful Web Sites

Compiled by Laurie Caplan, June 2007
Big Promises + Secrecy x Fast Track = Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
We don't need no stinkin LNG

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Postby Dr Sloth » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:29 am

Today we taped the radio show about LNG - it went well. The
speakers were Laura Snyder, Robert Stang, Ryan Davis, and Don
West; I moderated. I learned a lot about LNG and our economy,
including the county's employment figures, LNG jobs, corporate
tax waivers, school funding, etc. Plus we talked some about
contacting the county, the hearing, etc. I think it's worth
listening to. Sunday night at 7-8 p.m. on KMUN.

It will also stream online at Sunday night. We will have a CD copy soon.

The press release for the show is on p. 3 of tonights Daily A,
big headline.

Big Promises + Secrecy x Fast Track = Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
We don't need no stinkin LNG

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Postby meanshapes » Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:41 pm

Dr Sloth wrote:Today we taped the radio show about LNG - it went well. The
speakers were Laura Snyder, Robert Stang, Ryan Davis, and Don
West; I moderated. I learned a lot about LNG and our economy,
including the county's employment figures, LNG jobs, corporate
tax waivers, school funding, etc. Plus we talked some about
contacting the county, the hearing, etc. I think it's worth
listening to. Sunday night at 7-8 p.m. on KMUN.

It will also stream online at Sunday night. We will have a CD copy soon.

The press release for the show is on p. 3 of tonights Daily A,
big headline.



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Postby Dr Sloth » Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:50 am

To let you all know, in case you were wondering...I have requested receiving an email list from Laurie with the intent on posting all her and other's information online so the LNG opposition can be somewhat heard. If you receive the local papers out on the north coast, the LNG companies are putting a lot of money into big ad campaigns. The information in those LNG ads are very suspect, big surprise. Obviously, LNG's big hope is to get these sites built in areas where they can take advantage of those areas because they believe those areas are less educated.

Politicians can lie and get voted in. Those politicians can then be removed or not voted in again. Once a LNG site is built, it isn't going anywhere.

I am not saying, "hey, listen to me and do what I want you to." I just want people to get both sides of the information and voice your opinion if you believe what is happening is not right. You do not need to live in Clatsop County to voice your opinion. If you live in the PNW, this is your issue to.

Why should we put our environment in jeopardy to provide more harmful petroleum products that will be shipped out of this area/state?
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Postby finger » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:13 am

Good on ya, Slothie.

I’m glad you’re keeping the vigil on this and all of us informed. I don’t think there’s very many of the posters on these pages that live on the North Coast, but I know they surf here and they should care.

Grazie amico.
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Postby gills » Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:49 pm

finger and slothy---

can either of you give me a synthesis of the opposition as it pertains to astoria? the Why? the What? Etc.

I know precious little about this subject.

Postby guppy » Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:10 pm

watchdog/community intrest servent

there could be a place for you in gov't some day

but you'll have to 180

Keep up the good work Sloth!
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Postby Spent » Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:36 am

finger wrote: they should care.



keep us posted, sloth.
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Postby Dr Sloth » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:02 am


Big Promises + Secrecy x Fast Track = Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
We don't need no stinkin LNG

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Postby Dr Sloth » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:15 am

gills wrote:finger and slothy---

can either of you give me a synthesis of the opposition as it pertains to astoria? the Why? the What? Etc.

I know precious little about this subject.


I will put together a comprehensive list of what LNG means to me and others who oppose these LNG sites being built in our community. Today is going to be tough as I have limited time, tomorrow I am on a flight all day. I can probably compile some of that information on my flight and then post it up when I get a chance. Deadlines are getting close for the Bradwood site so it in our best interest to get this information out asap.

Thanks for the interest!
Big Promises + Secrecy x Fast Track = Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
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Postby Gazsurf » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:53 am

Where is the gas we now use being stored at the present time? Is it in Mist or Jewell?
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Postby Betty » Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:56 pm

I guess it would be a bad idea to mention my professional afiliation with all of this.
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Postby pra_ggresion » Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:31 pm

Surfrider should find a supply large enough to do a controlled experiment that could be observed to reveal the possible outcomes on a scale such as what would happen to a spill on someones private pond. Then film it and post it on youtube. Perhaps it would require a chemist do distill that kind of amount, a lawer to analize a procedure within the realm of legality and some people curious enough to find out some truth.

I'm neither a lawer, scientist, Surfrider member nor one of the other things that could be helpful, except being curious and I'd be willing to become a member of that organization if it was involved or is already doing something of consequence. I guess I'll have to check on that.
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Postby pra_ggresion » Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:49 pm

Also; does all that Army Corp of Engineers jetty construction have any tie to LNG up on the mouth? I was there and they have signs all over that if you go past there fence (which you have to in order to get to the water) then theres a $250,000.00 fine or JAIL time! What kind of construction project is that?
If it does have a tie then I'd say that LNG already affected bird watchers pickers and us.
Maybe I'm talking out of my arse. In which case I'll edit if need be.
If it does and someone knows how to go about acting on it then I'd support that too.
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