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Postby bluesilver » Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:36 pm


Did you guys know that Marissa Miller was scouted by model agents while surfing in california?


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Postby Wilbur Kookmeyer » Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:22 pm

riverjetty wrote:
Hermgruf wrote:If I were to express what I consider attractive


Everyone has an opinion, and mines weighted pretty heavily in the cosmic scheme.

That right there is hot....hands down winner.
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Postby pickleweed » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:15 pm

gills wrote:Mindless objectification of women is lame.

Liberals and Conservatives

Is there really a difference.

Maybe you both should work together making a law requiring women wear so-called "Modesty" swimsuits at the beach

How about you both relax, and f@#K off, eh????

Postby pickleweed » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:34 pm

gills wrote:

And lets not forget what those kinds of images do--- constant damage to a young woman coming of age who is constantly exposed to images of women that are popularized by men, though probably less than one percent of women have bodies like that, and thus, it engenders feelings of insecurity, and self hate in a young girl.

Don't even call me politically correct because you're turned on by a bunch of douchebag marketing of dumb looking girls with nipples showing. I like real women, with real minds, and real bodies.

I always thought it was images from fashion magazines, run by mostly WOMEN and GAY MEN, that young women constantly expose THEMSELVES to that did the damage.
Those women look healthy, Ohhh.... how they look healthy, they don't look like the very thin women in the fashion magazines POPULARIZED by WOMEN, not men.

Liberals suck @ss

Postby pickleweed » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:48 pm

eastside wrote:oh yeah, enough of everyone b!tching and throwing a fit about every damn thing....

This is the NW we're supposed to be surly

Postby pickleweed » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:54 pm

Hermgruf wrote:Fact:

But in my heart I feel that people who would take time to bitch about (criticize) MY choice of words and criticize my opinon of beauty should f@#K off. freakin thought police. Go to hell. That's what I feel.

Well said

f@#K off Libs

f@#K off Cons

Stop freakin with us and f@#K yourself or each other

Impose your beliefs on someone else


Postby wanty » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:27 am

i like this pickelweed guy
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Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:22 am

Wilbur Kookmeyer wrote:
riverjetty wrote:
Hermgruf wrote:If I were to express what I consider attractive


Everyone has an opinion, and mines weighted pretty heavily in the cosmic scheme.

That right there is hot....hands down winner.

I don't know who she is
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Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:25 am

LMAO this thread is great. I gotta get some serious work done today first, but in 10 minutes when I'm done I'll post some of todays pics!

Please visit back and enjoy the eye candy. Please post some of your own as well
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Postby gills » Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:35 am

Stating my opinion and arguing its validity is not akin to attempting mind control.

You think I'm some knee jerk feminist because (some of) you guys not only swallow a cheese dick marketing campaign that promotes 'the idyllic woman', but also get turned on by it? If that's the case, you don't need to worry about the thought police, they aren't even assigned to you, they farm out the easy jobs to any old thought toddler or thought squirrel.

Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:03 pm

gills wrote:Stating my opinion and arguing its validity is not akin to attempting mind control.

You think I'm some knee jerk feminist because (some of) you guys not only swallow a cheese dick marketing campaign that promotes 'the idyllic woman', but also get turned on by it? If that's the case, you don't need to worry about the thought police, they aren't even assigned to you, they farm out the easy jobs to any old thought toddler or thought squirrel.

No, we think your a knee jerk feminist becuase you act like a complete a-hole and fling insults around like a tuerrets sufferer as a means of trying to get a point accross. It just makes you discredible and leaves a negative flavor for your ideas. We understand the points your trying to make and a lot of us agree with them to an extent, but you make the point with a proverbial gun to the head tactic.
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Postby clint jones » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:13 pm

Yep, I get turned on by hot, sexy, women, especially ones that are athletic. I'm a dude who loves women. My bad. I'm not some sexist pig who thinks beautiful women that are in-shape are dumb and shallow and can't play sports. I think that's f-ing sexist, demeaning, and patronizing. Seems like some people on this message board judge gorgeous women a little harsh. What's the deal? What exactly are you angry at? Why the anymosity towards women you don't know personally? You're actually bitter at dudes who find hot chicks appealing? You're angry at ad campaigns?
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Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:23 pm

I hope this coat was made from either dalmations or polar bears:

Its hard to find surfing chick pix
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Postby grizldoldfk » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:38 pm

that pics good enough.

gills probably doesn't need me to help defend him, but, i like to imagine his original reply was made with his wife looking over his shoulder. which just proves he's a pig like the rest of us, and will say anything to get laid.

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Postby bluesilver » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:46 pm

I can't say I'v ever been turned onto a product becuase of a picture of a good looking girl. I judge products by other standards. Won't stick my nose in the air about staring at thier butts though.

Short version of what I wanted to say:

I think women are equally as (often even more) competitive than men and it shows in many ways when in competition for a man's attention. That's what it comes down to.

Women don't like us looking at other women, so they demonize everything about another woman that they don't have. Women are naturally insecure creatures. Some think this is just evolution. Women need to feel beautiful and perfect to find and keep a mate.

You can't change the "id" (as its called in psychology) which is the most primal, basic and driving force of our minds. It truly makes the mental decisions for us based upon what we have learned through evolution. So you can say one thing, but for at least a split second, you really were feeling another thing. That thing, my friends, is the drive to find a mate, reproduce and keep the species alive.

It is not sensible to think you can scream at a large group of people and tell them they evolved wrong and thus think wrong, when in fact we are just following where evolution is leading us. Sex drives everything. Everything. Every decision, you just haven;t thought deeply enough into that to fully grasp it yet.

<closes psychology 290 book, picks nose, sips tea, leaves room>
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