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October Surf Fest

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October Surf Fest

Postby Tex » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:31 pm

Prime time surf season.....great whites and all!
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Spent » Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:54 am

Snuck out with Slimvest on Sun. Pulled up at the pisser, where the waves looked good but we checked a couple of other spots to be sure. Was really surprised at a concentrated pack of 12 heads at that one rock. All jockeying for no-hope closeouts... Spot A was pretty empty so back we went. Getting changed we watched a lone warrior catch a really nice right all the way through that confirmed we made the right call. I'd brought my groveller and twin keel and was almost wishing I'd brought something that could handle a big more grunt. Was tricky taming the 5'10" twin keel but the rewards were high. Dumb luck pulled me from the rip straight into the welcoming arms of a solid set wave that just kept going and going. Sketched the take off, trying to get the fins to connect but after the bottom turn it was section after section of carve-able glass. That one wave taught me how to ride that fish properly. Then it was a lot of white water back to the line up. Prob should have got out and hopped back in the rip... Anyway, caught a few more good ones but nothing like the first wave. Slim got his share. Beer on the beach and b-line back... beautiful weather... the dream goes on...
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:00 pm

Another weekend of thumpy swell, multi sessions, and butter conditions. Stellar coastal weather and classically campable as the 1st weekend of Oct usually is and nice to be able to roll into a park on a Sat afternoon and still get a spot. The quiet season is here.

Mixed bag of open beach sand bars, some sessions better than others. Had one sesh just me and my buddy, but it was tricky and took our fair share of beatings for a few good ones. Had some redemption late in the day, but was kinda small, inconsistent, and eventually froze out in my 4 mill even with hood on. Kinda racked the fish for the fall as my new SB does similar duties, but might have been nice to have. Was also reminded to opt for 3 street tacos vs super burrito for lunch because I had a case of the baby burro belly making me feel slow and sluggish, even hours after eating it.

New swell yest and a real beaut of a morning toasty in the old 5 mill. Coulda surfed all day, but had to get back to being a middle aged Dad. Never got that smorgasbord session, but racked up enough fun ones in the 6 or so hrs of combined water time over the weekend and can’t complain about a 2 day hall pass from the fam. Think I’ll skip the gym today.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:52 pm

After work sesh window is closing without some sort of finagling, so made the most of of small ones last night at turd burglars. Prob shoulda looked around cause heard of good ones elsewhere. Duh, didn't have a ton of time and a lot easier than some of the thumping sessions I have had recently. Felt quick and made the most out of it. Low kept it kinda rampy, enough to eek out some fun quick corners with a hack on SB even though should of hiked in fish. Buddy and I were fairly isolated from the mid sized - mid beach flotilla on to an ok peak trying to amp each other out on shredding what we could.

Nother beaut of an Oct mornin and pretty small, but found some shapely running rights at an open beachie. Bit of a sucker for sunny crispy offshore beachie peaks and why I posted up, so even though it was pretty small still had plenty of fun. Bit of a pack on it thou for a bit, but thinned out. No secret spot but can be fairly quiet and surprising for weekday morning. Pulled and surfed the quad fish for the first time in months. Fun board. Ready for more thump and maybe 37 degree mornings and snow in the mtns to thin out crowds.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Tex » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:43 am

Since folks a posting pics of the point at Seaside on Instagram, I wonder how this group feels about naming spots on reports here. I honestly dont care anymore about naming beaches. Be interested to see what the group thinks.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Spent » Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:23 pm

I think there are spots we all agree are OK to name but I still prefer to let people do the detective work. If you said Spot A was great on a certain tide yesterday then maybe me and my crew of a-holes are right behind you tomorrow? I don't know... We all know where we're talking about (mostly) but why make it easier...?

Anyway, Thurs I surfed the wrong side of the cape by myself on the 5'10" groveller. Small but offshore. Was out for a couple of hours and there was a nice half hour window mid session at the high tide sandbar that made it worth it. Steep, little runners.

Sunday was on the right side of the cape with a shite-load of people. Big close outs and no vacancy but paddled down a bit away from the crowd on the 6'10" semi for easy entry and paddle power. Buoys were readying substantial swell but it was a steep NW and so wasn't all that big by the time it wrapped in. Mostly fun drops into close outs but a few openings here and there. Was fun to get a safe pummeling. Nearly killed the bro dropping in on him. If you know who I'm talking about you'll know it was largely deserved.... :lol:

I Was feeling a bit weird about having a 7 board quiver but I have to say I've had fun using them all thus far this autumn and rotating between them has been less awkward than it used to be for me.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby McDing » Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:10 pm

Yeah $pint and colonel later are masters at keeping those secret spots soooo secret. I mean really; Spot A and turd rock.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:46 pm

Ha :lol:

Is it even an issue here. Would naming spots make for better reports? I guess how does a troll insta account have to do with anything? Everyone knows that spot esp if they live out of state.

But name all you want..... esp those SOJDF spots you occasionally frequent :D Not to many secrets out there on the north and most of the central coast these days. Guess it's more of a sand bar game than anything. Tides are good to know too. Those 2 variables can make or break a session. Also might help to know who's local and not. Occasionally find rando seshies at rando spots and when I do, why announce it here?

In the grand scheme of things with social media and the amount of surfers around these days any info here is pretty harmless but, there are more lurkers and newbie transplants on this page than you think. Not to mention it's fun to come up with "cute" names. I post my reports here for myself. I've often gone back to reference them when I have forgot particular details, lessons learned, or need to remind myself of good runs and I usually remember what spot I was talking about.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby harg » Wed Oct 16, 2019 7:00 am

sunday: mostly junk, but got a couple closeout barrels and mini-beatings that got me fired up enough to take a mental health day on monday and head out for more. disappointed at first check, so checked second spot ... worse. headed back to the first spot, resigned to surf crappy little closeouts. still happy tho, the sun was out and i wasn't at work. walking down i saw a handful of guys a ways away, so i headed their direction just in case they were on to something. amidst the mediocrity, i saw a right come it that looked really good, then another, and another. turned out to be pretty much firing. not top to bottom or anything, but super fun, slightly OH rights (and the occasional left), with plenty of wall to take your time and set things up proper, and a mellow crowd ... except one guy that was slapping the water and cussing about how crowded it was, which was just hilarious since the roughly 6 people i noticed were catching a wave pretty much every time they got back to the lineup.
As for naming spots, I first moved up here in 2003 and trolled this site and many others relentlessly looking for intel. i got some, but what i learned since then is that this isn't really that kind of place (at least the north coast). 99% of north coast surf time happens at 3 or 4 spots that everyone knows. naming those wouldn't increase water time at any. outside those, there are a couple spots where you can have a bit of an informational advantage. but really, it's mostly about persistence and luck. you could post 'surfed XXX spot at high tide, 4@13 from 310. no one out and perfect peaks, SO SIIIIIICK BRO!' and the guys that ran out there the next day or next month or next year might never see what you saw. hell, i've been chasing specific conditions at a couple spots for 15 years and still can't get it right. so name or don't name, surfing up here will almost certainly still be about those lucky days where the stars align and you happen upon a fun wave with just you or you and a small crew. just don't set it up with a brew pub, parking lot, and then put an HD cam on it :wink:
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:46 am

Right on harg good to hear from you.

Made it over Monday as well to milk the last of the sunshine for now and after work sessions. Had my sights set on some of the closer open beachies. Looked at one other spot and ended up back where I surfed last Thurs am. Jumbled from the light wind and didn't look great, but there was only one head out on a LB making the most of it. Saw what I thought were some peelers. Suited booted and out there. Picked off a fun right, right off the rip, but the current made it tough getting back to it. Managed getting back to the peak a few times to nab a couple more, but it was a constant paddle. Let myself drift down and out of the current and actually dialed in some fun lefts with whompy drops to fun feeling backside hacks. Got out before the sunset, peeled the suit and boots, and watched it go down from the bench sipping on a cold lime LaCrouix.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Howly Wolf » Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:16 pm

Last edited by Howly Wolf on Fri Oct 14, 2022 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Howly Wolf » Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:02 pm

Also want to mention that an orca was spotted munching on a seal near Garibaldi the other day. Might be the transient I spotted back in August making his way back up the coast? In any event, might be worth keeping eyes peeled during high tide at north coast coves or structures in the next few weeks in case he decides to drop by for a visit.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Tex » Thu Oct 17, 2019 8:42 pm

Meeting with clients tomorrow at Clallam PUD. Got wind of a potential swell situation that was going to light up a few spots in the SOJD so got here in Joyce last night at 4:55. The swell was not peaking yet and the swell degree switched more west. Checked "Half Moon Bay" "Rifles" "Layer River Mouth" and The Piling.....nada.

Licence Plates at the Piling included CA/BC/OR/WA/MT. 15 cars on a Thursday morning....all those same cars were going from spot to spot, praying something would turn on. Four kooks rode clown waves on sup board at the was fun watching them paddle for ankle breakers from the deck.

Will probably check Purple Point on the way home tomorrow.

Good times!

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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:40 pm

1st big swell.... and exactly why I don't make that drive much anymore for surf. Rather wait it out and surf home breaks. Looks good by end of the week. That said, Haiku cam was firing today with 6 heads on it.
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Re: October Surf Fest

Postby Major Lazer » Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:52 am

Howly Wolf wrote: Hoping the storm shakes things up a bit and bars settle into some happy arrangements to round out the season.

Late August and early Sept had my best seshies, but after that found the bars at the usual's to be pretty ho hum. There were some good ones thou if you knew where and when to look.
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